Civil Mediation

What civil mediation is

When people have a dispute over issues in a civil matter, mediation can help. Although it may appear that in most civil cases, the parties are suing for money, many times there are other underlying issues that are fueling the parties’ positions. Mediation provides an impartial mediator to create a safe environment for the parties to discuss the issues and reasons for the parties’ positions should the parties feel comfortable in doing so.

Civil disuputes that can be mediated

All issues that would be considered in Family Court can be addressed voluntarily in family mediation.

Benefits to choosing family mediation

Restore family stability

Getting divorced and/or dealing with custody and visitation issues outside of marriage, or post-divorce, can be both emotionally exhausting and financially devastating for families. Mediation is a process that can usually resolve these issues much sooner than litigation, thus restoring family stability.

Control the outcome

One of the greatest advantages of resolving family issues in mediation is that the parties control the outcome, meaning that any results are the product of an agreement rather than having a judge decide.

Restore family stability

In mediation, parents are not forced to take harsh public positions against each other, and the possibility for co-parenting in a cooperative manner following the divorce is enhanced as a result.

Restore family stability

Family Mediation allows parents to structure individualized agreements addressing each parent’s specific concerns and the particular needs of their children.

Restore family stability

The potential for the family to save a significant amount of money is an additional benefit of choosing mediation. Not only are the attorney fees typically less, the amount of time that will be spent mediating rather than litigating the issues is also usually significantly less.

We're here to help

The Upstate Mediation Center provides a safe setting for all parties to meet in person to communicate their needs and interests while focusing on creating a resolution that incorporates fairness, and takes into account the interest of all parties.

Request a Mediation

Please request your court mandated (Family Court or Court of Common Pleas) mediation below.
Our team will be in contact regarding scheduling finalization and details. Mediation is not scheduled until confirmed by the Mediation Coordinator, Zoey Klein.

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